Sustainable Urban Development

In 1987 a trade paperback report was circulated widely under the title “Our Common Future”. This report formulated what has become standard definition of sustainable development (“development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”). The production of this report was followed by a series of major events (Rio de Janeiro summit 1992, Paris Agreement 2016, and the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030). These events aimed to transform this human ambition of achieving sustainability – reclaiming nature and balancing relationships between resources, economy and humans, into a set of applicable tools and measures. But how applicable are these measures and tools, really? And how can they be localized to match the different realities of cities around the world? What roles do architects and planners have in this process, and how can communities take the lead in achieving just, equitable and healthier environments? This seminar aims to introduce the students to some of the main themes and current debates related to “sustainable urban development”. Taking into consideration the complexity and variety of urban conditions in each city and locality, and differences between the Global North and the Global South, this course aims to dissect the various layers and elements that pave the road towards a sustainable urban environment. These include sustainable mobility, managing land and designing places, restoring ecosystems and greening the city, addressing the climate crisis, ensuring affordable housing and inclusion, rethinking economic development, promoting social and environmental justice, and envisioning healthy democracy, good governance and community participation. Taking into consideration the practical part of the seminar, the students will be asked to examine case studies, and to address not only where sustainable development was achieved, but also the failures and challenges in order to learn from them.

After completing this seminar, students should have gained a general understanding of what “sustainable urban development” means, and particularly, to address its challenges and failures. Students will be also inspired by the case studies to think about, and imagine, alternative urban realities in their cities and localities, and what achieving “sustainable urban development” could look like, and how it needs to be achieved. Eventually, students should be able to grasp and grabble with, the complexity of the urban conditions and to find innovative solutions that leads us towards sustainability and resilience.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding
a.1. Explain what sustainable urban development means and how it can be achieved.
a.2. Identify main challengs and issues facing sustinablity in an urban context.

Professional and Practical Skills
c.1. Develop coherent and comprehensive strategies to .
c.2. Utilize new tools from the course in one’s sustainable urban planning and design practice.

  • University
    German University in Cairo (GUC)
  • Code
  • Semester
  • Type
    Grad Seminar