Homs and Collective Mapping
So far, millions of Syrians have been displaced. Some are still in their journey while others have already settled. Throughout these journeys, each one of them carried a story of a place and a city in which they lived. In Homs, for instance, more than 70% of the city has been destroyed, or completely transformed. Thus, a pre-2011 Homs only exists in the memories of those who witnessed it. How displaced Syrians from Homs perceive their city? In how much, the new places of settlement affect this perception? How these forms of spatial memory and knowledge can be mapped and disseminated?
The collective mapping workshop was organized in the framework of the project “Tracing and Assessing Syrian Urban Heritage in Exile”. It gathered over 15 Syrian refugees from Homs, to collectively draw a map of their city from their memory, and to register all their thoughts and reflections of a city from which they have become distanced.
FundingGerda Henkel Stiftung
LocationSalam Kultur- u. Sportclub Verein
A collective map drawn for the city of Homs where political trauma, fears, aspirations and memories are being articulated and negotiated while drawing.
A discussion between an older and younger refugee over their neighbourhood while mapping (Courtsey: Rasha Kanjarawi)
Preparation for the mapping workshop
Participants discussing some of the city’s landmarks (courtesy to Made Saleh)
Discussions over the mapping process (Courtesy to Rasha Kanjarawi)
Participants observing the mapping process from afar (Courtesy to Heinrich Altenmüller)